Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Welcome back!

On the right I have posted a list of links that follow the route of our field trip. Today you will be taking one of those links to visit a place you have not seen in person. While you are reading, your task is to find at least three interesting facts which you will use to create your own PowerPoint presentation. You will also copy one picture to use in the presentation. Be sure to copy and paste the URL to give credit to your source! 


Anonymous said...

I grew up in plymouth and i saw Plymouth rock and I like it is a pece of history along with plymouth Plantacine.

Anonymous said...

You should go to Proventstown and see the Pilgrim Tower!!!!!!!!!!!!It was cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!It was the biggest thing in the town. It was too high to climb.

Anonymous said...

Some day you could go to Boston
and look at all of the cool stuff in town.I realy like to see all ohf the cool stuff.So go to Boston
and discovert new stuff like the
capitol building!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I live in Plymouth. It's really cool here. Plymouth is home to the Plymouth Rock,and has the Mayflower 2. It also has Plimoth

Anonymous said...

I love Boston.One reason why I like it is because its the home of the Boston Red

Harry said...

Provincdtown is a town on capecod there are restront that make your mouth water like crazzy. There are beaches that have shells of all shapes and sizes.

met said...

You sould go to Boston because
it has a lot of cool stuf.It has
a aquarium and lots of big also has a zoo cald the franklen park zoo.Boston has a lot of cool sights to see.